@bender-tags: exportpdf, feature, 1 @bender-ui: collapsed @bender-include: ../_helpers/tools.js @bender-ckeditor-plugins: wysiwygarea, toolbar, basicstyles, notification, format 1. Click `Export to PDF` button (the one next to the `Source` button) in the first editor. 1. Wait for the file to download. **Expected:** File with `ckeditor4-export-pdf.pdf` name (possibly with number if file already existed) was downloaded. **Unexpected:** File was not downloaded or its name is incorrect. 1. Do the same in the second editor. **Expected:** File with `different-name.pdf` name (possibly with number if file already existed) was downloaded. **Unexpected:** File was not downloaded or its name is incorrect. 1. Repeat for the third editor. **Expected:** File with 'Beautiful title.pdf' name (possibly with number if file already existed) was downloaded. **Unexpected:** File was not downloaded or its name is incorrect. 1. Change text in the third editor to `New title` (**important:** it has to remain a `

` element). 1. Click and download PDF again. **Expected:** Name of a new file is 'New title.pdf'. **Unexpected:** Name is the same as before or there is an error.