# Upgrade ## From 2.x to 3.0.0 - The configuration for the migration namespace and directory changed as follows: Before ```yaml doctrine_migrations: dir_name: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Migrations' namespace: DoctrineMigrations ``` After ```yaml doctrine_migrations: migrations_paths: 'DoctrineMigrations': '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Migrations' ``` - The configuration for the metadata table definition changed as follows: Before ```yaml doctrine_migrations: table_name: 'migration_versions' column_name: 'version' column_length: 14 executed_at_column_name: 'executed_at' ``` After ```yaml doctrine_migrations: storage: table_storage: table_name: 'migration_versions' version_column_name: 'version' version_column_length: 191 executed_at_column_name: 'executed_at' ``` If your project did not originally specify its own table definition configuration, you will need to configure the table name after the upgrade: ```yaml doctrine_migrations: storage: table_storage: table_name: 'migration_versions' ``` and then run the `doctrine:migrations:sync-metadata-storage` command. - The migration name has been dropped: Before ```yaml doctrine_migrations: name: 'Application Migrations' ``` After The parameter `name` has been dropped. - The default for `table_name` changed from `migration_versions` to `doctrine_migration_versions`. If you did not specify the `table_name` option, you now need to declare it explicitly to not lose migration data. ```yaml doctrine_migrations: storage: table_storage: table_name: 'migration_versions' ``` ### Underlying doctrine/migrations library Upgrading this bundle to `3.0` will also update the `doctrine/migrations` library to the version `3.0`. Backward incompatible changes in `doctrine/migrations` 3.0 are documented in the dedicated [UPGRADE](https://github.com/doctrine/migrations/blob/3.0.x/UPGRADE.md) document. - The container is not automatically injected anymore when a migration implements `ContainerAwareInterface`. Custom migration factories should be used to inject additional dependencies into migrations.