stopwatch = $stopwatch; $this->logger = $logger; $this->executor = $executor; $this->connection = $connection; $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; } /** * @return array */ private function executeMigrations( MigrationPlanList $migrationsPlan, MigratorConfiguration $migratorConfiguration ): array { $allOrNothing = $migratorConfiguration->isAllOrNothing(); if ($allOrNothing) { $this->connection->beginTransaction(); } try { $this->dispatcher->dispatchMigrationEvent(Events::onMigrationsMigrating, $migrationsPlan, $migratorConfiguration); $sql = $this->executePlan($migrationsPlan, $migratorConfiguration); $this->dispatcher->dispatchMigrationEvent(Events::onMigrationsMigrated, $migrationsPlan, $migratorConfiguration); } catch (Throwable $e) { if ($allOrNothing) { $this->connection->rollBack(); } throw $e; } if ($allOrNothing) { TransactionHelper::commitIfInTransaction($this->connection); } return $sql; } /** * @return array */ private function executePlan(MigrationPlanList $migrationsPlan, MigratorConfiguration $migratorConfiguration): array { $sql = []; $time = 0; foreach ($migrationsPlan->getItems() as $plan) { $versionExecutionResult = $this->executor->execute($plan, $migratorConfiguration); // capture the to Schema for the migration so we have the ability to use // it as the from Schema for the next migration when we are running a dry run // $toSchema may be null in the case of skipped migrations if (! $versionExecutionResult->isSkipped()) { $migratorConfiguration->setFromSchema($versionExecutionResult->getToSchema()); } $sql[(string) $plan->getVersion()] = $versionExecutionResult->getSql(); $time += $versionExecutionResult->getTime(); } return $sql; } /** * @param array $sql */ private function endMigrations( StopwatchEvent $stopwatchEvent, MigrationPlanList $migrationsPlan, array $sql ): void { $stopwatchEvent->stop(); $this->logger->notice( 'finished in {duration}ms, used {memory} memory, {migrations_count} migrations executed, {queries_count} sql queries', [ 'duration' => $stopwatchEvent->getDuration(), 'memory' => BytesFormatter::formatBytes($stopwatchEvent->getMemory()), 'migrations_count' => count($migrationsPlan), 'queries_count' => count($sql, COUNT_RECURSIVE) - count($sql), ] ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function migrate(MigrationPlanList $migrationsPlan, MigratorConfiguration $migratorConfiguration): array { if (count($migrationsPlan) === 0) { $this->logger->notice('No migrations to execute.'); return []; } $stopwatchEvent = $this->stopwatch->start('migrate'); $sql = $this->executeMigrations($migrationsPlan, $migratorConfiguration); $this->endMigrations($stopwatchEvent, $migrationsPlan, $sql); return $sql; } }