* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Chunk\DataChunk; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Chunk\ErrorChunk; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Chunk\FirstChunk; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Chunk\LastChunk; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\TransportException; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Internal\ClientState; /** * Implements common logic for transport-level response classes. * * @author Nicolas Grekas * * @internal */ trait TransportResponseTrait { private $headers = []; private $info = [ 'response_headers' => [], 'http_code' => 0, 'error' => null, 'canceled' => false, ]; /** @var object|resource */ private $handle; private $id; private $timeout = 0; private $inflate; private $finalInfo; private $canary; private $logger; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getStatusCode(): int { if ($this->initializer) { self::initialize($this); } return $this->info['http_code']; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getHeaders(bool $throw = true): array { if ($this->initializer) { self::initialize($this); } if ($throw) { $this->checkStatusCode(); } return $this->headers; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function cancel(): void { $this->info['canceled'] = true; $this->info['error'] = 'Response has been canceled.'; $this->close(); } /** * Closes the response and all its network handles. */ protected function close(): void { $this->canary->cancel(); $this->inflate = null; } /** * Adds pending responses to the activity list. */ abstract protected static function schedule(self $response, array &$runningResponses): void; /** * Performs all pending non-blocking operations. */ abstract protected static function perform(ClientState $multi, array &$responses): void; /** * Waits for network activity. */ abstract protected static function select(ClientState $multi, float $timeout): int; private static function addResponseHeaders(array $responseHeaders, array &$info, array &$headers, string &$debug = ''): void { foreach ($responseHeaders as $h) { if (11 <= \strlen($h) && '/' === $h[4] && preg_match('#^HTTP/\d+(?:\.\d+)? ([1-9]\d\d)(?: |$)#', $h, $m)) { if ($headers) { $debug .= "< \r\n"; $headers = []; } $info['http_code'] = (int) $m[1]; } elseif (2 === \count($m = explode(':', $h, 2))) { $headers[strtolower($m[0])][] = ltrim($m[1]); } $debug .= "< {$h}\r\n"; $info['response_headers'][] = $h; } $debug .= "< \r\n"; if (!$info['http_code']) { throw new TransportException(sprintf('Invalid or missing HTTP status line for "%s".', implode('', $info['url']))); } } /** * Ensures the request is always sent and that the response code was checked. */ private function doDestruct() { $this->shouldBuffer = true; if ($this->initializer && null === $this->info['error']) { self::initialize($this); $this->checkStatusCode(); } } /** * Implements an event loop based on a buffer activity queue. * * @internal */ public static function stream(iterable $responses, float $timeout = null): \Generator { $runningResponses = []; foreach ($responses as $response) { self::schedule($response, $runningResponses); } $lastActivity = microtime(true); $elapsedTimeout = 0; while (true) { $hasActivity = false; $timeoutMax = 0; $timeoutMin = $timeout ?? \INF; /** @var ClientState $multi */ foreach ($runningResponses as $i => [$multi]) { $responses = &$runningResponses[$i][1]; self::perform($multi, $responses); foreach ($responses as $j => $response) { $timeoutMax = $timeout ?? max($timeoutMax, $response->timeout); $timeoutMin = min($timeoutMin, $response->timeout, 1); $chunk = false; if (isset($multi->handlesActivity[$j])) { // no-op } elseif (!isset($multi->openHandles[$j])) { unset($responses[$j]); continue; } elseif ($elapsedTimeout >= $timeoutMax) { $multi->handlesActivity[$j] = [new ErrorChunk($response->offset, sprintf('Idle timeout reached for "%s".', $response->getInfo('url')))]; } else { continue; } while ($multi->handlesActivity[$j] ?? false) { $hasActivity = true; $elapsedTimeout = 0; if (\is_string($chunk = array_shift($multi->handlesActivity[$j]))) { if (null !== $response->inflate && false === $chunk = @inflate_add($response->inflate, $chunk)) { $multi->handlesActivity[$j] = [null, new TransportException(sprintf('Error while processing content unencoding for "%s".', $response->getInfo('url')))]; continue; } if ('' !== $chunk && null !== $response->content && \strlen($chunk) !== fwrite($response->content, $chunk)) { $multi->handlesActivity[$j] = [null, new TransportException(sprintf('Failed writing %d bytes to the response buffer.', \strlen($chunk)))]; continue; } $chunkLen = \strlen($chunk); $chunk = new DataChunk($response->offset, $chunk); $response->offset += $chunkLen; } elseif (null === $chunk) { $e = $multi->handlesActivity[$j][0]; unset($responses[$j], $multi->handlesActivity[$j]); $response->close(); if (null !== $e) { $response->info['error'] = $e->getMessage(); if ($e instanceof \Error) { throw $e; } $chunk = new ErrorChunk($response->offset, $e); } else { if (0 === $response->offset && null === $response->content) { $response->content = fopen('php://memory', 'w+'); } $chunk = new LastChunk($response->offset); } } elseif ($chunk instanceof ErrorChunk) { unset($responses[$j]); $elapsedTimeout = $timeoutMax; } elseif ($chunk instanceof FirstChunk) { if ($response->logger) { $info = $response->getInfo(); $response->logger->info(sprintf('Response: "%s %s"', $info['http_code'], $info['url'])); } $response->inflate = \extension_loaded('zlib') && $response->inflate && 'gzip' === ($response->headers['content-encoding'][0] ?? null) ? inflate_init(\ZLIB_ENCODING_GZIP) : null; if ($response->shouldBuffer instanceof \Closure) { try { $response->shouldBuffer = ($response->shouldBuffer)($response->headers); if (null !== $response->info['error']) { throw new TransportException($response->info['error']); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { $response->close(); $multi->handlesActivity[$j] = [null, $e]; } } if (true === $response->shouldBuffer) { $response->content = fopen('php://temp', 'w+'); } elseif (\is_resource($response->shouldBuffer)) { $response->content = $response->shouldBuffer; } $response->shouldBuffer = null; yield $response => $chunk; if ($response->initializer && null === $response->info['error']) { // Ensure the HTTP status code is always checked $response->getHeaders(true); } continue; } yield $response => $chunk; } unset($multi->handlesActivity[$j]); if ($chunk instanceof ErrorChunk && !$chunk->didThrow()) { // Ensure transport exceptions are always thrown $chunk->getContent(); } } if (!$responses) { unset($runningResponses[$i]); } // Prevent memory leaks $multi->handlesActivity = $multi->handlesActivity ?: []; $multi->openHandles = $multi->openHandles ?: []; } if (!$runningResponses) { break; } if ($hasActivity) { $lastActivity = microtime(true); continue; } if (-1 === self::select($multi, min($timeoutMin, $timeoutMax - $elapsedTimeout))) { usleep(min(500, 1E6 * $timeoutMin)); } $elapsedTimeout = microtime(true) - $lastActivity; } } }