* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult; use PHPUnit\Util\ErrorHandler; use Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\DeprecationErrorHandler\Configuration; use Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\DeprecationErrorHandler\Deprecation; use Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\DeprecationErrorHandler\DeprecationGroup; use Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\DebugClassLoader; /** * Catch deprecation notices and print a summary report at the end of the test suite. * * @author Nicolas Grekas
*/ class DeprecationErrorHandler { const MODE_DISABLED = 'disabled'; const MODE_WEAK = 'max[total]=999999&verbose=0'; const MODE_STRICT = 'max[total]=0'; private $mode; private $configuration; /** * @var DeprecationGroup[] */ private $deprecationGroups = []; private static $isRegistered = false; private static $isAtLeastPhpUnit83; public function __construct() { $this->resetDeprecationGroups(); } /** * Registers and configures the deprecation handler. * * The mode is a query string with options: * - "disabled" to enable/disable the deprecation handler * - "verbose" to enable/disable displaying the deprecation report * - "quiet" to disable displaying the deprecation report only for some groups (i.e. quiet[]=other) * - "max" to configure the number of deprecations to allow before exiting with a non-zero * status code; it's an array with keys "total", "self", "direct" and "indirect" * * The default mode is "max[total]=0&verbose=1". * * The mode can alternatively be "/some-regexp/" to stop the test suite whenever * a deprecation message matches the given regular expression. * * @param int|string|false $mode The reporting mode, defaults to not allowing any deprecations */ public static function register($mode = 0) { if (self::$isRegistered) { return; } $handler = new self(); $oldErrorHandler = set_error_handler([$handler, 'handleError']); if (null !== $oldErrorHandler) { restore_error_handler(); if ($oldErrorHandler instanceof ErrorHandler || [ErrorHandler::class, 'handleError'] === $oldErrorHandler) { restore_error_handler(); self::register($mode); } } else { $handler->mode = $mode; self::$isRegistered = true; register_shutdown_function([$handler, 'shutdown']); } } public static function collectDeprecations($outputFile) { $deprecations = []; $previousErrorHandler = set_error_handler(function ($type, $msg, $file, $line, $context = []) use (&$deprecations, &$previousErrorHandler) { if (\E_USER_DEPRECATED !== $type && \E_DEPRECATED !== $type && (\E_WARNING !== $type || false === strpos($msg, '" targeting switch is equivalent to "break'))) { if ($previousErrorHandler) { return $previousErrorHandler($type, $msg, $file, $line, $context); } return \call_user_func(self::getPhpUnitErrorHandler(), $type, $msg, $file, $line, $context); } $filesStack = []; foreach (debug_backtrace() as $frame) { if (!isset($frame['file']) || \in_array($frame['function'], ['require', 'require_once', 'include', 'include_once'], true)) { continue; } $filesStack[] = $frame['file']; } $deprecations[] = [error_reporting() & $type, $msg, $file, $filesStack]; return null; }); register_shutdown_function(function () use ($outputFile, &$deprecations) { file_put_contents($outputFile, serialize($deprecations)); }); } /** * @internal */ public function handleError($type, $msg, $file, $line, $context = []) { if ((\E_USER_DEPRECATED !== $type && \E_DEPRECATED !== $type && (\E_WARNING !== $type || false === strpos($msg, '" targeting switch is equivalent to "break'))) || !$this->getConfiguration()->isEnabled()) { return \call_user_func(self::getPhpUnitErrorHandler(), $type, $msg, $file, $line, $context); } $trace = debug_backtrace(); if (isset($trace[1]['function'], $trace[1]['args'][0]) && ('trigger_error' === $trace[1]['function'] || 'user_error' === $trace[1]['function'])) { $msg = $trace[1]['args'][0]; } $deprecation = new Deprecation($msg, $trace, $file); if ($deprecation->isMuted()) { return null; } if ($this->getConfiguration()->isBaselineDeprecation($deprecation)) { return null; } $msg = $deprecation->getMessage(); if (error_reporting() & $type) { $group = 'unsilenced'; } elseif ($deprecation->isLegacy()) { $group = 'legacy'; } else { $group = [ Deprecation::TYPE_SELF => 'self', Deprecation::TYPE_DIRECT => 'direct', Deprecation::TYPE_INDIRECT => 'indirect', Deprecation::TYPE_UNDETERMINED => 'other', ][$deprecation->getType()]; } if ($this->getConfiguration()->shouldDisplayStackTrace($msg)) { echo "\n".ucfirst($group).' '.$deprecation->toString(); exit(1); } if ('legacy' === $group) { $this->deprecationGroups[$group]->addNotice(); } else if ($deprecation->originatesFromAnObject()) { $class = $deprecation->originatingClass(); $method = $deprecation->originatingMethod(); $this->deprecationGroups[$group]->addNoticeFromObject($msg, $class, $method); } else { $this->deprecationGroups[$group]->addNoticeFromProceduralCode($msg); } return null; } /** * @internal */ public function shutdown() { $configuration = $this->getConfiguration(); if ($configuration->isInRegexMode()) { return; } if (class_exists(DebugClassLoader::class, false)) { DebugClassLoader::checkClasses(); } $currErrorHandler = set_error_handler('var_dump'); restore_error_handler(); if ($currErrorHandler !== [$this, 'handleError']) { echo "\n", self::colorize('THE ERROR HANDLER HAS CHANGED!', true), "\n"; } $groups = array_keys($this->deprecationGroups); // store failing status $isFailing = !$configuration->tolerates($this->deprecationGroups); $this->displayDeprecations($groups, $configuration, $isFailing); $this->resetDeprecationGroups(); register_shutdown_function(function () use ($isFailing, $groups, $configuration) { foreach ($this->deprecationGroups as $group) { if ($group->count() > 0) { echo "Shutdown-time deprecations:\n"; break; } } $isFailingAtShutdown = !$configuration->tolerates($this->deprecationGroups); $this->displayDeprecations($groups, $configuration, $isFailingAtShutdown); if ($configuration->isGeneratingBaseline()) { $configuration->writeBaseline(); } if ($isFailing || $isFailingAtShutdown) { exit(1); } }); } private function resetDeprecationGroups() { $this->deprecationGroups = [ 'unsilenced' => new DeprecationGroup(), 'self' => new DeprecationGroup(), 'direct' => new DeprecationGroup(), 'indirect' => new DeprecationGroup(), 'legacy' => new DeprecationGroup(), 'other' => new DeprecationGroup(), ]; } private function getConfiguration() { if (null !== $this->configuration) { return $this->configuration; } if (false === $mode = $this->mode) { if (isset($_SERVER['SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER'])) { $mode = $_SERVER['SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER']; } elseif (isset($_ENV['SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER'])) { $mode = $_ENV['SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER']; } else { $mode = getenv('SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER'); } } if ('strict' === $mode) { return $this->configuration = Configuration::inStrictMode(); } if (self::MODE_DISABLED === $mode) { return $this->configuration = Configuration::inDisabledMode(); } if ('weak' === $mode) { return $this->configuration = Configuration::inWeakMode(); } if (isset($mode[0]) && '/' === $mode[0]) { return $this->configuration = Configuration::fromRegex($mode); } if (preg_match('/^[1-9][0-9]*$/', (string) $mode)) { return $this->configuration = Configuration::fromNumber($mode); } if (!$mode) { return $this->configuration = Configuration::fromNumber(0); } return $this->configuration = Configuration::fromUrlEncodedString((string) $mode); } /** * @param string $str * @param bool $red * * @return string */ private static function colorize($str, $red) { if (!self::hasColorSupport()) { return $str; } $color = $red ? '41;37' : '43;30'; return "\x1B[{$color}m{$str}\x1B[0m"; } /** * @param string[] $groups * @param Configuration $configuration * @param bool $isFailing */ private function displayDeprecations($groups, $configuration, $isFailing) { $cmp = function ($a, $b) { return $b->count() - $a->count(); }; foreach ($groups as $group) { if ($this->deprecationGroups[$group]->count()) { echo "\n", self::colorize( sprintf( '%s deprecation notices (%d)', \in_array($group, ['direct', 'indirect', 'self'], true) ? "Remaining $group" : ucfirst($group), $this->deprecationGroups[$group]->count() ), 'legacy' !== $group && 'indirect' !== $group ), "\n"; if ('legacy' !== $group && !$configuration->verboseOutput($group) && !$isFailing) { continue; } $notices = $this->deprecationGroups[$group]->notices(); uasort($notices, $cmp); foreach ($notices as $msg => $notice) { echo "\n ", $notice->count(), 'x: ', $msg, "\n"; $countsByCaller = $notice->getCountsByCaller(); arsort($countsByCaller); foreach ($countsByCaller as $method => $count) { if ('count' !== $method) { echo ' ', $count, 'x in ', preg_replace('/(.*)\\\\(.*?::.*?)$/', '$2 from $1', $method), "\n"; } } } } } if (!empty($notices)) { echo "\n"; } } private static function getPhpUnitErrorHandler() { if (!isset(self::$isAtLeastPhpUnit83)) { self::$isAtLeastPhpUnit83 = class_exists(ErrorHandler::class) && method_exists(ErrorHandler::class, '__invoke'); } if (!self::$isAtLeastPhpUnit83) { return 'PHPUnit\Util\ErrorHandler::handleError'; } foreach (debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT | \DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS) as $frame) { if (isset($frame['object']) && $frame['object'] instanceof TestResult) { return new ErrorHandler( $frame['object']->getConvertDeprecationsToExceptions(), $frame['object']->getConvertErrorsToExceptions(), $frame['object']->getConvertNoticesToExceptions(), $frame['object']->getConvertWarningsToExceptions() ); } } return function () { return false; }; } /** * Returns true if STDOUT is defined and supports colorization. * * Reference: Composer\XdebugHandler\Process::supportsColor * https://github.com/composer/xdebug-handler * * @return bool */ private static function hasColorSupport() { if (!\defined('STDOUT')) { return false; } // Follow https://no-color.org/ if (isset($_SERVER['NO_COLOR']) || false !== getenv('NO_COLOR')) { return false; } if ('Hyper' === getenv('TERM_PROGRAM')) { return true; } if (\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\') { return (\function_exists('sapi_windows_vt100_support') && sapi_windows_vt100_support(\STDOUT)) || false !== getenv('ANSICON') || 'ON' === getenv('ConEmuANSI') || 'xterm' === getenv('TERM'); } if (\function_exists('stream_isatty')) { return stream_isatty(\STDOUT); } if (\function_exists('posix_isatty')) { return posix_isatty(\STDOUT); } $stat = fstat(\STDOUT); // Check if formatted mode is S_IFCHR return $stat ? 0020000 === ($stat['mode'] & 0170000) : false; } }