* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Node; use Twig\Compiler; use Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression; use Twig\Node\Expression\ArrayExpression; use Twig\Node\Expression\ConstantExpression; use Twig\Node\Expression\NameExpression; use Twig\Node\Node; use Twig\Node\TextNode; /** * @author Fabien Potencier */ final class TransNode extends Node { public function __construct(Node $body, Node $domain = null, AbstractExpression $count = null, AbstractExpression $vars = null, AbstractExpression $locale = null, int $lineno = 0, string $tag = null) { $nodes = ['body' => $body]; if (null !== $domain) { $nodes['domain'] = $domain; } if (null !== $count) { $nodes['count'] = $count; } if (null !== $vars) { $nodes['vars'] = $vars; } if (null !== $locale) { $nodes['locale'] = $locale; } parent::__construct($nodes, [], $lineno, $tag); } public function compile(Compiler $compiler): void { $compiler->addDebugInfo($this); $defaults = new ArrayExpression([], -1); if ($this->hasNode('vars') && ($vars = $this->getNode('vars')) instanceof ArrayExpression) { $defaults = $this->getNode('vars'); $vars = null; } [$msg, $defaults] = $this->compileString($this->getNode('body'), $defaults, (bool) $vars); $compiler ->write('echo $this->env->getExtension(\'Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\TranslationExtension\')->trans(') ->subcompile($msg) ; $compiler->raw(', '); if (null !== $vars) { $compiler ->raw('array_merge(') ->subcompile($defaults) ->raw(', ') ->subcompile($this->getNode('vars')) ->raw(')') ; } else { $compiler->subcompile($defaults); } $compiler->raw(', '); if (!$this->hasNode('domain')) { $compiler->repr('messages'); } else { $compiler->subcompile($this->getNode('domain')); } if ($this->hasNode('locale')) { $compiler ->raw(', ') ->subcompile($this->getNode('locale')) ; } elseif ($this->hasNode('count')) { $compiler->raw(', null'); } if ($this->hasNode('count')) { $compiler ->raw(', ') ->subcompile($this->getNode('count')) ; } $compiler->raw(");\n"); } private function compileString(Node $body, ArrayExpression $vars, bool $ignoreStrictCheck = false): array { if ($body instanceof ConstantExpression) { $msg = $body->getAttribute('value'); } elseif ($body instanceof TextNode) { $msg = $body->getAttribute('data'); } else { return [$body, $vars]; } preg_match_all('/(?getTemplateLine()); if (!$vars->hasElement($key)) { if ('count' === $var && $this->hasNode('count')) { $vars->addElement($this->getNode('count'), $key); } else { $varExpr = new NameExpression($var, $body->getTemplateLine()); $varExpr->setAttribute('ignore_strict_check', $ignoreStrictCheck); $vars->addElement($varExpr, $key); } } } return [new ConstantExpression(str_replace('%%', '%', trim($msg)), $body->getTemplateLine()), $vars]; } }