* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Csp; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; /** * Handles Content-Security-Policy HTTP header for the WebProfiler Bundle. * * @author Romain Neutron * * @internal */ class ContentSecurityPolicyHandler { private $nonceGenerator; private $cspDisabled = false; public function __construct(NonceGenerator $nonceGenerator) { $this->nonceGenerator = $nonceGenerator; } /** * Returns an array of nonces to be used in Twig templates and Content-Security-Policy headers. * * Nonce can be provided by; * - The request - In case HTML content is fetched via AJAX and inserted in DOM, it must use the same nonce as origin * - The response - A call to getNonces() has already been done previously. Same nonce are returned * - They are otherwise randomly generated */ public function getNonces(Request $request, Response $response): array { if ($request->headers->has('X-SymfonyProfiler-Script-Nonce') && $request->headers->has('X-SymfonyProfiler-Style-Nonce')) { return [ 'csp_script_nonce' => $request->headers->get('X-SymfonyProfiler-Script-Nonce'), 'csp_style_nonce' => $request->headers->get('X-SymfonyProfiler-Style-Nonce'), ]; } if ($response->headers->has('X-SymfonyProfiler-Script-Nonce') && $response->headers->has('X-SymfonyProfiler-Style-Nonce')) { return [ 'csp_script_nonce' => $response->headers->get('X-SymfonyProfiler-Script-Nonce'), 'csp_style_nonce' => $response->headers->get('X-SymfonyProfiler-Style-Nonce'), ]; } $nonces = [ 'csp_script_nonce' => $this->generateNonce(), 'csp_style_nonce' => $this->generateNonce(), ]; $response->headers->set('X-SymfonyProfiler-Script-Nonce', $nonces['csp_script_nonce']); $response->headers->set('X-SymfonyProfiler-Style-Nonce', $nonces['csp_style_nonce']); return $nonces; } /** * Disables Content-Security-Policy. * * All related headers will be removed. */ public function disableCsp() { $this->cspDisabled = true; } /** * Cleanup temporary headers and updates Content-Security-Policy headers. * * @return array Nonces used by the bundle in Content-Security-Policy header */ public function updateResponseHeaders(Request $request, Response $response): array { if ($this->cspDisabled) { $this->removeCspHeaders($response); return []; } $nonces = $this->getNonces($request, $response); $this->cleanHeaders($response); $this->updateCspHeaders($response, $nonces); return $nonces; } private function cleanHeaders(Response $response) { $response->headers->remove('X-SymfonyProfiler-Script-Nonce'); $response->headers->remove('X-SymfonyProfiler-Style-Nonce'); } private function removeCspHeaders(Response $response) { $response->headers->remove('X-Content-Security-Policy'); $response->headers->remove('Content-Security-Policy'); $response->headers->remove('Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only'); } /** * Updates Content-Security-Policy headers in a response. */ private function updateCspHeaders(Response $response, array $nonces = []): array { $nonces = array_replace([ 'csp_script_nonce' => $this->generateNonce(), 'csp_style_nonce' => $this->generateNonce(), ], $nonces); $ruleIsSet = false; $headers = $this->getCspHeaders($response); $types = [ 'script-src' => 'csp_script_nonce', 'script-src-elem' => 'csp_script_nonce', 'style-src' => 'csp_style_nonce', 'style-src-elem' => 'csp_style_nonce', ]; foreach ($headers as $header => $directives) { foreach ($types as $type => $tokenName) { if ($this->authorizesInline($directives, $type)) { continue; } if (!isset($headers[$header][$type])) { if (null === $fallback = $this->getDirectiveFallback($directives, $type)) { continue; } if (['\'none\''] === $fallback) { // Fallback came from "default-src: 'none'" // 'none' is invalid if it's not the only expression in the source list, so we leave it out $fallback = []; } $headers[$header][$type] = $fallback; } $ruleIsSet = true; if (!\in_array('\'unsafe-inline\'', $headers[$header][$type], true)) { $headers[$header][$type][] = '\'unsafe-inline\''; } $headers[$header][$type][] = sprintf('\'nonce-%s\'', $nonces[$tokenName]); } } if (!$ruleIsSet) { return $nonces; } foreach ($headers as $header => $directives) { $response->headers->set($header, $this->generateCspHeader($directives)); } return $nonces; } /** * Generates a valid Content-Security-Policy nonce. */ private function generateNonce(): string { return $this->nonceGenerator->generate(); } /** * Converts a directive set array into Content-Security-Policy header. */ private function generateCspHeader(array $directives): string { return array_reduce(array_keys($directives), function ($res, $name) use ($directives) { return ('' !== $res ? $res.'; ' : '').sprintf('%s %s', $name, implode(' ', $directives[$name])); }, ''); } /** * Converts a Content-Security-Policy header value into a directive set array. */ private function parseDirectives(string $header): array { $directives = []; foreach (explode(';', $header) as $directive) { $parts = explode(' ', trim($directive)); if (\count($parts) < 1) { continue; } $name = array_shift($parts); $directives[$name] = $parts; } return $directives; } /** * Detects if the 'unsafe-inline' is prevented for a directive within the directive set. */ private function authorizesInline(array $directivesSet, string $type): bool { if (isset($directivesSet[$type])) { $directives = $directivesSet[$type]; } elseif (null === $directives = $this->getDirectiveFallback($directivesSet, $type)) { return false; } return \in_array('\'unsafe-inline\'', $directives, true) && !$this->hasHashOrNonce($directives); } private function hasHashOrNonce(array $directives): bool { foreach ($directives as $directive) { if ('\'' !== substr($directive, -1)) { continue; } if ('\'nonce-' === substr($directive, 0, 7)) { return true; } if (\in_array(substr($directive, 0, 8), ['\'sha256-', '\'sha384-', '\'sha512-'], true)) { return true; } } return false; } private function getDirectiveFallback(array $directiveSet, $type) { if (\in_array($type, ['script-src-elem', 'style-src-elem'], true) || !isset($directiveSet['default-src'])) { // Let the browser fallback on it's own return null; } return $directiveSet['default-src']; } /** * Retrieves the Content-Security-Policy headers (either X-Content-Security-Policy or Content-Security-Policy) from * a response. */ private function getCspHeaders(Response $response): array { $headers = []; if ($response->headers->has('Content-Security-Policy')) { $headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = $this->parseDirectives($response->headers->get('Content-Security-Policy')); } if ($response->headers->has('Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only')) { $headers['Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only'] = $this->parseDirectives($response->headers->get('Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only')); } if ($response->headers->has('X-Content-Security-Policy')) { $headers['X-Content-Security-Policy'] = $this->parseDirectives($response->headers->get('X-Content-Security-Policy')); } return $headers; } }