{% extends '@WebProfiler/Profiler/layout.html.twig' %} {% block toolbar %} {% if 'unknown' == collector.symfonyState %} {% set block_status = '' %} {% set symfony_version_status = 'Unable to retrieve information about the Symfony version.' %} {% elseif 'eol' == collector.symfonyState %} {% set block_status = 'red' %} {% set symfony_version_status = 'This Symfony version will no longer receive security fixes.' %} {% elseif 'eom' == collector.symfonyState %} {% set block_status = 'yellow' %} {% set symfony_version_status = 'This Symfony version will only receive security fixes.' %} {% elseif 'dev' == collector.symfonyState %} {% set block_status = 'yellow' %} {% set symfony_version_status = 'This Symfony version is still in the development phase.' %} {% else %} {% set block_status = '' %} {% set symfony_version_status = '' %} {% endif %} {% set icon %} {{ include('@WebProfiler/Icon/symfony.svg') }} {{ collector.symfonyState is defined ? collector.symfonyversion : 'n/a' }} {% endset %} {% set text %}
Profiler token {% if profiler_url %} {{ collector.token }} {% else %} {{ collector.token }} {% endif %}
{% if 'n/a' is not same as(collector.env) %}
Environment {{ collector.env }}
{% endif %} {% if 'n/a' is not same as(collector.debug) %}
Debug {{ collector.debug ? 'enabled' : 'disabled' }}
{% endif %}
PHP version {{ collector.phpversion }}   View phpinfo()
PHP Extensions xdebug {{ collector.hasxdebug ? '✓' : '✗' }} APCu {{ collector.hasapcu ? '✓' : '✗' }} OPcache {{ collector.haszendopcache ? '✓' : '✗' }}
PHP SAPI {{ collector.sapiName }}
{% if collector.symfonyversion is defined %}
Resources Read Symfony {{ collector.symfonyversion }} Docs
Help Symfony Support Channels
{% endif %}
{% endset %} {{ include('@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar_item.html.twig', { link: true, name: 'config', status: block_status, additional_classes: 'sf-toolbar-block-right', block_attrs: 'title="' ~ symfony_version_status ~ '"' }) }} {% endblock %} {% block menu %} {{ include('@WebProfiler/Icon/config.svg') }} Configuration {% endblock %} {% block panel %}

Symfony Configuration

{{ collector.symfonyversion }} Symfony version
{% if 'n/a' != collector.env %}
{{ collector.env }} Environment
{% endif %} {% if 'n/a' != collector.debug %}
{{ collector.debug ? 'enabled' : 'disabled' }} Debug
{% endif %}
{% set symfony_status = { dev: 'Unstable Version', stable: 'Stable Version', eom: 'Maintenance Ended', eol: 'Version Expired' } %} {% set symfony_status_class = { dev: 'warning', stable: 'success', eom: 'warning', eol: 'error' } %}
Symfony Status Bugs {{ collector.symfonystate in ['eom', 'eol'] ? 'were' : 'are' }} fixed until Security issues {{ collector.symfonystate == 'eol' ? 'were' : 'are' }} fixed until
{{ symfony_status[collector.symfonystate]|upper }} {% if collector.symfonylts %}   Long-Term Support {% endif %} {{ collector.symfonyeom }} {{ collector.symfonyeol }} View roadmap

PHP Configuration

{{ collector.phpversion }}{% if collector.phpversionextra %} {{ collector.phpversionextra }}{% endif %} PHP version
{{ collector.phparchitecture }} bits Architecture
{{ collector.phpintllocale }} Intl locale
{{ collector.phptimezone }} Timezone
{{ include('@WebProfiler/Icon/' ~ (collector.haszendopcache ? 'yes' : 'no') ~ '.svg') }} OPcache
{{ include('@WebProfiler/Icon/' ~ (collector.hasapcu ? 'yes' : 'no-gray') ~ '.svg') }} APCu
{{ include('@WebProfiler/Icon/' ~ (collector.hasxdebug ? 'yes' : 'no-gray') ~ '.svg') }} Xdebug

View full PHP configuration

{% if collector.bundles %}

Enabled Bundles ({{ collector.bundles|length }})

{% for name in collector.bundles|keys|sort %} {% endfor %}
Name Class
{{ name }} {{ profiler_dump(collector.bundles[name]) }}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}