ImplicitlyIgnoredAnnotationNames.php 5.2 KB

  1. <?php
  2. declare(strict_types=1);
  3. namespace Doctrine\Common\Annotations;
  4. /**
  5. * A list of annotations that are implicitly ignored during the parsing process.
  6. *
  7. * All names are case sensitive.
  8. */
  9. final class ImplicitlyIgnoredAnnotationNames
  10. {
  11. private const Reserved = [
  12. 'Annotation' => true,
  13. 'Attribute' => true,
  14. 'Attributes' => true,
  15. /* Can we enable this? 'Enum' => true, */
  16. 'Required' => true,
  17. 'Target' => true,
  18. ];
  19. private const WidelyUsedNonStandard = [
  20. 'fix' => true,
  21. 'fixme' => true,
  22. 'override' => true,
  23. ];
  24. private const PhpDocumentor1 = [
  25. 'abstract' => true,
  26. 'access' => true,
  27. 'code' => true,
  28. 'deprec' => true,
  29. 'endcode' => true,
  30. 'exception' => true,
  31. 'final' => true,
  32. 'ingroup' => true,
  33. 'inheritdoc' => true,
  34. 'inheritDoc' => true,
  35. 'magic' => true,
  36. 'name' => true,
  37. 'private' => true,
  38. 'static' => true,
  39. 'staticvar' => true,
  40. 'staticVar' => true,
  41. 'toc' => true,
  42. 'tutorial' => true,
  43. 'throw' => true,
  44. ];
  45. private const PhpDocumentor2 = [
  46. 'api' => true,
  47. 'author' => true,
  48. 'category' => true,
  49. 'copyright' => true,
  50. 'deprecated' => true,
  51. 'example' => true,
  52. 'filesource' => true,
  53. 'global' => true,
  54. 'ignore' => true,
  55. /* Can we enable this? 'index' => true, */
  56. 'internal' => true,
  57. 'license' => true,
  58. 'link' => true,
  59. 'method' => true,
  60. 'package' => true,
  61. 'param' => true,
  62. 'property' => true,
  63. 'property-read' => true,
  64. 'property-write' => true,
  65. 'return' => true,
  66. 'see' => true,
  67. 'since' => true,
  68. 'source' => true,
  69. 'subpackage' => true,
  70. 'throws' => true,
  71. 'todo' => true,
  72. 'TODO' => true,
  73. 'usedby' => true,
  74. 'uses' => true,
  75. 'var' => true,
  76. 'version' => true,
  77. ];
  78. private const PHPUnit = [
  79. 'author' => true,
  80. 'after' => true,
  81. 'afterClass' => true,
  82. 'backupGlobals' => true,
  83. 'backupStaticAttributes' => true,
  84. 'before' => true,
  85. 'beforeClass' => true,
  86. 'codeCoverageIgnore' => true,
  87. 'codeCoverageIgnoreStart' => true,
  88. 'codeCoverageIgnoreEnd' => true,
  89. 'covers' => true,
  90. 'coversDefaultClass' => true,
  91. 'coversNothing' => true,
  92. 'dataProvider' => true,
  93. 'depends' => true,
  94. 'doesNotPerformAssertions' => true,
  95. 'expectedException' => true,
  96. 'expectedExceptionCode' => true,
  97. 'expectedExceptionMessage' => true,
  98. 'expectedExceptionMessageRegExp' => true,
  99. 'group' => true,
  100. 'large' => true,
  101. 'medium' => true,
  102. 'preserveGlobalState' => true,
  103. 'requires' => true,
  104. 'runTestsInSeparateProcesses' => true,
  105. 'runInSeparateProcess' => true,
  106. 'small' => true,
  107. 'test' => true,
  108. 'testdox' => true,
  109. 'testWith' => true,
  110. 'ticket' => true,
  111. 'uses' => true,
  112. ];
  113. private const PhpCheckStyle = ['SuppressWarnings' => true];
  114. private const PhpStorm = ['noinspection' => true];
  115. private const PEAR = ['package_version' => true];
  116. private const PlainUML = [
  117. 'startuml' => true,
  118. 'enduml' => true,
  119. ];
  120. private const Symfony = ['experimental' => true];
  121. private const PhpCodeSniffer = [
  122. 'codingStandardsIgnoreStart' => true,
  123. 'codingStandardsIgnoreEnd' => true,
  124. ];
  125. private const SlevomatCodingStandard = ['phpcsSuppress' => true];
  126. private const PhpStan = [
  127. 'extends' => true,
  128. 'implements' => true,
  129. 'template' => true,
  130. 'use' => true,
  131. ];
  132. private const Phan = ['suppress' => true];
  133. private const Rector = ['noRector' => true];
  134. public const LIST = self::Reserved
  135. + self::WidelyUsedNonStandard
  136. + self::PhpDocumentor1
  137. + self::PhpDocumentor2
  138. + self::PHPUnit
  139. + self::PhpCheckStyle
  140. + self::PhpStorm
  141. + self::PEAR
  142. + self::PlainUML
  143. + self::Symfony
  144. + self::SlevomatCodingStandard
  145. + self::PhpCodeSniffer
  146. + self::PhpStan
  147. + self::Phan
  148. + self::Rector;
  149. private function __construct()
  150. {
  151. }
  152. }