deprecated passing a boolean as the first argument of PropertyAccessor::__construct(), expecting a combination of bitwise flags instead
added the ability to disable usage of the magic __get & __set methods
Added an UninitializedPropertyException
Linking to PropertyInfo extractor to remove a lot of duplicate code
deprecated passing null as $defaultLifetime 2nd argument of PropertyAccessor::createCache() method,
pass 0 instead
added a $throwExceptionOnInvalidPropertyPath argument to the PropertyAccessor constructor.
added enableExceptionOnInvalidPropertyPath(), disableExceptionOnInvalidPropertyPath() and
isExceptionOnInvalidPropertyPath() methods to PropertyAccessorBuilder
removed the StringUtil class, use Symfony\Component\Inflector\Inflector
deprecated the StringUtil class, use Symfony\Component\Inflector\Inflector
UnexpectedTypeException now expects three constructor arguments: The invalid property value,
the PropertyPathInterface object and the current index of the property path.
allowed non alpha numeric characters in second level and deeper object properties names
[BC BREAK] when accessing an index on an object that does not implement
ArrayAccess, a NoSuchIndexException is now thrown instead of the
semantically wrong NoSuchPropertyException
[BC BREAK] added isReadable() and isWritable() to PropertyAccessorInterface
added PropertyAccessorBuilder, to enable or disable the support of "__call"
added support for "__call" in the PropertyAccessor (disabled by default)
[BC BREAK] changed PropertyAccessor to continue its search for a property or
method even if a non-public match was found. Before, a PropertyAccessDeniedException
was thrown in this case. Class PropertyAccessDeniedException was removed
deprecated PropertyAccess::getPropertyAccessor
added PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor and PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessorBuilder