added support for symfony/uid as UlidType and UuidType as Doctrine types
added UlidGenerator, UuidV1Generator, UuidV4Generator and UuidV6Generator
the getMetadataDriverClass() method is abstract and must be implemented by class extending AbstractDoctrineExtension
passing an IdReader to the DoctrineChoiceLoader when the query cannot be optimized with single id field, throws an exception; pass null instead
not explicitly passing an instance of IdReader to DoctrineChoiceLoader when it can optimize single id field, will not apply any optimization
DoctrineExtractor now requires an EntityManagerInterface on instantiation
[BC BREAK] using null as $classValidatorRegexp value in DoctrineLoader::__construct will not enable auto-mapping for all classes anymore, use '{.*}' instead.
added DoctrineClearEntityManagerWorkerSubscriber
deprecated RegistryInterface, use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry
added support for invokable event listeners
added getMetadataDriverClass method to deprecate class parameters in service configuration files
changed guessing of DECIMAL to set the input option of NumberType to string
deprecated not passing an IdReader to the DoctrineChoiceLoader when query can be optimized with a single id field
deprecated passing an IdReader to the DoctrineChoiceLoader when entities have a composite id
added two Messenger middleware: DoctrinePingConnectionMiddleware and DoctrineCloseConnectionMiddleware
deprecated injecting ClassMetadataFactory in DoctrineExtractor,
an instance of EntityManagerInterface should be injected instead
added support for simple_array type
the DoctrineTransactionMiddlewareFactory class has been removed
added support for datetime immutable types in form type guesser
the first constructor argument of the DoctrineChoiceLoader class must be
an ObjectManager implementation
removed the MergeDoctrineCollectionListener::onBind() method
trying to reset a non-lazy manager service using the ManagerRegistry::resetService()
method throws an exception
removed the DoctrineParserCache class
added support for doctrine/dbal v2.6 types
added cause of UniqueEntity constraint violation
deprecated DbalSessionHandler and DbalSessionHandlerSchema in favor of
added "{{ value }}" message placeholder to UniqueEntityValidator
deprecated MergeDoctrineCollectionListener::onBind in favor of
deprecated passing ChoiceListFactoryInterface as first argument of
DoctrineChoiceLoader's constructor
removed EntityChoiceList
removed $manager (2nd) and $class (3th) arguments of ORMQueryBuilderLoader
removed passing a query builder closure to ORMQueryBuilderLoader
removed loader and property options of the DoctrineType
deprecated using the entity provider with a Doctrine repository implementing UserProviderInterface
added UserLoaderInterface for loading users through Doctrine.
added DoctrineChoiceLoader
deprecated EntityChoiceList
deprecated passing a query builder closure to ORMQueryBuilderLoader
deprecated $manager and $em arguments of ORMQueryBuilderLoader
added optional arguments $propertyAccessor and $choiceListFactory to DoctrineOrmExtension constructor
deprecated "loader" and "property" options of DoctrineType
deprecated DoctrineOrmTestCase class
added an optional PropertyAccessorInterface parameter to DoctrineType,
EntityType and EntityChoiceList
added a default implementation of the ManagerRegistry
added a session storage for Doctrine DBAL
DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser now guesses "collection" for array Doctrine type
DoctrineType now caches its choice lists in order to improve performance
DoctrineType now uses ManagerRegistry::getManagerForClass() if the option "em" is not set
UniqueEntity validation constraint now accepts a "repositoryMethod" option that will be used to check for uniqueness instead of the default "findBy"
[BC BREAK] the DbalLogger::log() visibility has been changed from public to