removed the ExceptionController, use ExceptionPanelController instead
removed the TemplateManager::templateExists() method
added support for the Mailer component
added support for the HttpClient component
added button to clear the ajax request tab
deprecated the ExceptionController::templateExists() method
deprecated the TemplateManager::templateExists() method
deprecated the ExceptionController in favor of ExceptionPanelController
marked all classes of the WebProfilerBundle as internal
added a section with the stamps of a message after it is dispatched in the Messenger panel
Replaced the canvas performance graph renderer with an SVG renderer
added information about orphaned events
made the toolbar auto-update with info from ajax reponses when they set the
Symfony-Debug-Toolbar-Replace header to 1
removed the WebProfilerExtension::dumpValue() method
removed the getTemplates() method of the TemplateManager class in favor of the getNames() method
removed the web_profiler.position config option and the
web_profiler.debug_toolbar.position container parameter
Deprecated the web_profiler.position config option (in 4.0 version the toolbar
will always be displayed at the bottom) and the web_profiler.debug_toolbar.position
container parameter.
added information about redirected and forwarded requests to the profiler
removed profiler:import and profiler:export commands
deprecated profiler:import and profiler:export commands
[BC BREAK] if you are using a DB to store profiles, the table must be dropped
added the HTTP status code to profiles
draw retina canvas if devicePixelRatio is bigger than 1
deprecated the verbose setting (not relevant anymore)
[BC BREAK] You must clear old profiles after upgrading to 2.1 (don't forget
to remove the table if you are using a DB)
added support for the request method
added a routing panel
added a timeline panel
The toolbar position can now be configured via the position option (can
be top or bottom)