// Code generated by http://github.com/gojuno/minimock (v3.3.14). DO NOT EDIT. package mocks //go:generate minimock -i git.dmitriygnatenko.ru/dima/homethings/internal/api/v1/thing.ThingNotificationRepository -o thing_notification_repository_minimock.go -n ThingNotificationRepositoryMock -p mocks import ( "context" "sync" mm_atomic "sync/atomic" mm_time "time" "github.com/gojuno/minimock/v3" ) // ThingNotificationRepositoryMock implements thing.ThingNotificationRepository type ThingNotificationRepositoryMock struct { t minimock.Tester finishOnce sync.Once funcDelete func(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (err error) inspectFuncDelete func(ctx context.Context, id uint64) afterDeleteCounter uint64 beforeDeleteCounter uint64 DeleteMock mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete } // NewThingNotificationRepositoryMock returns a mock for thing.ThingNotificationRepository func NewThingNotificationRepositoryMock(t minimock.Tester) *ThingNotificationRepositoryMock { m := &ThingNotificationRepositoryMock{t: t} if controller, ok := t.(minimock.MockController); ok { controller.RegisterMocker(m) } m.DeleteMock = mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete{mock: m} m.DeleteMock.callArgs = []*ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteParams{} t.Cleanup(m.MinimockFinish) return m } type mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete struct { optional bool mock *ThingNotificationRepositoryMock defaultExpectation *ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteExpectation expectations []*ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteExpectation callArgs []*ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteParams mutex sync.RWMutex expectedInvocations uint64 } // ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteExpectation specifies expectation struct of the ThingNotificationRepository.Delete type ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteExpectation struct { mock *ThingNotificationRepositoryMock params *ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteParams paramPtrs *ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteParamPtrs results *ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteResults Counter uint64 } // ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteParams contains parameters of the ThingNotificationRepository.Delete type ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteParams struct { ctx context.Context id uint64 } // ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteParamPtrs contains pointers to parameters of the ThingNotificationRepository.Delete type ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteParamPtrs struct { ctx *context.Context id *uint64 } // ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteResults contains results of the ThingNotificationRepository.Delete type ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteResults struct { err error } // Marks this method to be optional. The default behavior of any method with Return() is '1 or more', meaning // the test will fail minimock's automatic final call check if the mocked method was not called at least once. // Optional() makes method check to work in '0 or more' mode. // It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use this option unless you really need it, as default behaviour helps to // catch the problems when the expected method call is totally skipped during test run. func (mmDelete *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete) Optional() *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete { mmDelete.optional = true return mmDelete } // Expect sets up expected params for ThingNotificationRepository.Delete func (mmDelete *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete) Expect(ctx context.Context, id uint64) *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete { if mmDelete.mock.funcDelete != nil { mmDelete.mock.t.Fatalf("ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete mock is already set by Set") } if mmDelete.defaultExpectation == nil { mmDelete.defaultExpectation = &ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteExpectation{} } if mmDelete.defaultExpectation.paramPtrs != nil { mmDelete.mock.t.Fatalf("ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete mock is already set by ExpectParams functions") } mmDelete.defaultExpectation.params = &ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteParams{ctx, id} for _, e := range mmDelete.expectations { if minimock.Equal(e.params, mmDelete.defaultExpectation.params) { mmDelete.mock.t.Fatalf("Expectation set by When has same params: %#v", *mmDelete.defaultExpectation.params) } } return mmDelete } // ExpectCtxParam1 sets up expected param ctx for ThingNotificationRepository.Delete func (mmDelete *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete) ExpectCtxParam1(ctx context.Context) *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete { if mmDelete.mock.funcDelete != nil { mmDelete.mock.t.Fatalf("ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete mock is already set by Set") } if mmDelete.defaultExpectation == nil { mmDelete.defaultExpectation = &ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteExpectation{} } if mmDelete.defaultExpectation.params != nil { mmDelete.mock.t.Fatalf("ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete mock is already set by Expect") } if mmDelete.defaultExpectation.paramPtrs == nil { mmDelete.defaultExpectation.paramPtrs = &ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteParamPtrs{} } mmDelete.defaultExpectation.paramPtrs.ctx = &ctx return mmDelete } // ExpectIdParam2 sets up expected param id for ThingNotificationRepository.Delete func (mmDelete *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete) ExpectIdParam2(id uint64) *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete { if mmDelete.mock.funcDelete != nil { mmDelete.mock.t.Fatalf("ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete mock is already set by Set") } if mmDelete.defaultExpectation == nil { mmDelete.defaultExpectation = &ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteExpectation{} } if mmDelete.defaultExpectation.params != nil { mmDelete.mock.t.Fatalf("ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete mock is already set by Expect") } if mmDelete.defaultExpectation.paramPtrs == nil { mmDelete.defaultExpectation.paramPtrs = &ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteParamPtrs{} } mmDelete.defaultExpectation.paramPtrs.id = &id return mmDelete } // Inspect accepts an inspector function that has same arguments as the ThingNotificationRepository.Delete func (mmDelete *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete) Inspect(f func(ctx context.Context, id uint64)) *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete { if mmDelete.mock.inspectFuncDelete != nil { mmDelete.mock.t.Fatalf("Inspect function is already set for ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete") } mmDelete.mock.inspectFuncDelete = f return mmDelete } // Return sets up results that will be returned by ThingNotificationRepository.Delete func (mmDelete *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete) Return(err error) *ThingNotificationRepositoryMock { if mmDelete.mock.funcDelete != nil { mmDelete.mock.t.Fatalf("ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete mock is already set by Set") } if mmDelete.defaultExpectation == nil { mmDelete.defaultExpectation = &ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteExpectation{mock: mmDelete.mock} } mmDelete.defaultExpectation.results = &ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteResults{err} return mmDelete.mock } // Set uses given function f to mock the ThingNotificationRepository.Delete method func (mmDelete *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete) Set(f func(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (err error)) *ThingNotificationRepositoryMock { if mmDelete.defaultExpectation != nil { mmDelete.mock.t.Fatalf("Default expectation is already set for the ThingNotificationRepository.Delete method") } if len(mmDelete.expectations) > 0 { mmDelete.mock.t.Fatalf("Some expectations are already set for the ThingNotificationRepository.Delete method") } mmDelete.mock.funcDelete = f return mmDelete.mock } // When sets expectation for the ThingNotificationRepository.Delete which will trigger the result defined by the following // Then helper func (mmDelete *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete) When(ctx context.Context, id uint64) *ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteExpectation { if mmDelete.mock.funcDelete != nil { mmDelete.mock.t.Fatalf("ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete mock is already set by Set") } expectation := &ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteExpectation{ mock: mmDelete.mock, params: &ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteParams{ctx, id}, } mmDelete.expectations = append(mmDelete.expectations, expectation) return expectation } // Then sets up ThingNotificationRepository.Delete return parameters for the expectation previously defined by the When method func (e *ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteExpectation) Then(err error) *ThingNotificationRepositoryMock { e.results = &ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteResults{err} return e.mock } // Times sets number of times ThingNotificationRepository.Delete should be invoked func (mmDelete *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete) Times(n uint64) *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete { if n == 0 { mmDelete.mock.t.Fatalf("Times of ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete mock can not be zero") } mm_atomic.StoreUint64(&mmDelete.expectedInvocations, n) return mmDelete } func (mmDelete *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete) invocationsDone() bool { if len(mmDelete.expectations) == 0 && mmDelete.defaultExpectation == nil && mmDelete.mock.funcDelete == nil { return true } totalInvocations := mm_atomic.LoadUint64(&mmDelete.mock.afterDeleteCounter) expectedInvocations := mm_atomic.LoadUint64(&mmDelete.expectedInvocations) return totalInvocations > 0 && (expectedInvocations == 0 || expectedInvocations == totalInvocations) } // Delete implements thing.ThingNotificationRepository func (mmDelete *ThingNotificationRepositoryMock) Delete(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (err error) { mm_atomic.AddUint64(&mmDelete.beforeDeleteCounter, 1) defer mm_atomic.AddUint64(&mmDelete.afterDeleteCounter, 1) if mmDelete.inspectFuncDelete != nil { mmDelete.inspectFuncDelete(ctx, id) } mm_params := ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteParams{ctx, id} // Record call args mmDelete.DeleteMock.mutex.Lock() mmDelete.DeleteMock.callArgs = append(mmDelete.DeleteMock.callArgs, &mm_params) mmDelete.DeleteMock.mutex.Unlock() for _, e := range mmDelete.DeleteMock.expectations { if minimock.Equal(*e.params, mm_params) { mm_atomic.AddUint64(&e.Counter, 1) return e.results.err } } if mmDelete.DeleteMock.defaultExpectation != nil { mm_atomic.AddUint64(&mmDelete.DeleteMock.defaultExpectation.Counter, 1) mm_want := mmDelete.DeleteMock.defaultExpectation.params mm_want_ptrs := mmDelete.DeleteMock.defaultExpectation.paramPtrs mm_got := ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteParams{ctx, id} if mm_want_ptrs != nil { if mm_want_ptrs.ctx != nil && !minimock.Equal(*mm_want_ptrs.ctx, mm_got.ctx) { mmDelete.t.Errorf("ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete got unexpected parameter ctx, want: %#v, got: %#v%s\n", *mm_want_ptrs.ctx, mm_got.ctx, minimock.Diff(*mm_want_ptrs.ctx, mm_got.ctx)) } if mm_want_ptrs.id != nil && !minimock.Equal(*mm_want_ptrs.id, mm_got.id) { mmDelete.t.Errorf("ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete got unexpected parameter id, want: %#v, got: %#v%s\n", *mm_want_ptrs.id, mm_got.id, minimock.Diff(*mm_want_ptrs.id, mm_got.id)) } } else if mm_want != nil && !minimock.Equal(*mm_want, mm_got) { mmDelete.t.Errorf("ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete got unexpected parameters, want: %#v, got: %#v%s\n", *mm_want, mm_got, minimock.Diff(*mm_want, mm_got)) } mm_results := mmDelete.DeleteMock.defaultExpectation.results if mm_results == nil { mmDelete.t.Fatal("No results are set for the ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete") } return (*mm_results).err } if mmDelete.funcDelete != nil { return mmDelete.funcDelete(ctx, id) } mmDelete.t.Fatalf("Unexpected call to ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete. %v %v", ctx, id) return } // DeleteAfterCounter returns a count of finished ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete invocations func (mmDelete *ThingNotificationRepositoryMock) DeleteAfterCounter() uint64 { return mm_atomic.LoadUint64(&mmDelete.afterDeleteCounter) } // DeleteBeforeCounter returns a count of ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete invocations func (mmDelete *ThingNotificationRepositoryMock) DeleteBeforeCounter() uint64 { return mm_atomic.LoadUint64(&mmDelete.beforeDeleteCounter) } // Calls returns a list of arguments used in each call to ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete. // The list is in the same order as the calls were made (i.e. recent calls have a higher index) func (mmDelete *mThingNotificationRepositoryMockDelete) Calls() []*ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteParams { mmDelete.mutex.RLock() argCopy := make([]*ThingNotificationRepositoryMockDeleteParams, len(mmDelete.callArgs)) copy(argCopy, mmDelete.callArgs) mmDelete.mutex.RUnlock() return argCopy } // MinimockDeleteDone returns true if the count of the Delete invocations corresponds // the number of defined expectations func (m *ThingNotificationRepositoryMock) MinimockDeleteDone() bool { if m.DeleteMock.optional { // Optional methods provide '0 or more' call count restriction. return true } for _, e := range m.DeleteMock.expectations { if mm_atomic.LoadUint64(&e.Counter) < 1 { return false } } return m.DeleteMock.invocationsDone() } // MinimockDeleteInspect logs each unmet expectation func (m *ThingNotificationRepositoryMock) MinimockDeleteInspect() { for _, e := range m.DeleteMock.expectations { if mm_atomic.LoadUint64(&e.Counter) < 1 { m.t.Errorf("Expected call to ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete with params: %#v", *e.params) } } afterDeleteCounter := mm_atomic.LoadUint64(&m.afterDeleteCounter) // if default expectation was set then invocations count should be greater than zero if m.DeleteMock.defaultExpectation != nil && afterDeleteCounter < 1 { if m.DeleteMock.defaultExpectation.params == nil { m.t.Error("Expected call to ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete") } else { m.t.Errorf("Expected call to ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete with params: %#v", *m.DeleteMock.defaultExpectation.params) } } // if func was set then invocations count should be greater than zero if m.funcDelete != nil && afterDeleteCounter < 1 { m.t.Error("Expected call to ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete") } if !m.DeleteMock.invocationsDone() && afterDeleteCounter > 0 { m.t.Errorf("Expected %d calls to ThingNotificationRepositoryMock.Delete but found %d calls", mm_atomic.LoadUint64(&m.DeleteMock.expectedInvocations), afterDeleteCounter) } } // MinimockFinish checks that all mocked methods have been called the expected number of times func (m *ThingNotificationRepositoryMock) MinimockFinish() { m.finishOnce.Do(func() { if !m.minimockDone() { m.MinimockDeleteInspect() } }) } // MinimockWait waits for all mocked methods to be called the expected number of times func (m *ThingNotificationRepositoryMock) MinimockWait(timeout mm_time.Duration) { timeoutCh := mm_time.After(timeout) for { if m.minimockDone() { return } select { case <-timeoutCh: m.MinimockFinish() return case <-mm_time.After(10 * mm_time.Millisecond): } } } func (m *ThingNotificationRepositoryMock) minimockDone() bool { done := true return done && m.MinimockDeleteDone() }